Windows Server 2003 Support is ending on July 14th 2015

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All Windows products have a lifecycle – it begins when the product is released and ends when Microsoft discontinues the support for it. The end of support refers to the date in which Microsoft will no longer provide automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance.

Microsoft offer a lifecycle fact sheet that informs the public of the life cycle of all their products. For example we know the end date of support for Windows 8 is January 10th 2023.

Similarly to Windows XP machines, Microsoft will now be discontinuing support of Windows Server 2003. This means Windows will no longer be issuing security updates for any version of Server 2003.

If you are still running on Server 2003 you need to start making a migration plan now. Running Server 2003 with no support can cause security breaches and leave your IT system vulnerable. There are several products or services you can put in place such as migrating to a cloud solution or investing in a replacement server.

If you require help with this please contact our Senior Network Engineer, Derek, who would be happy to help you put a solution in place or for more information click here.

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