What is Zeptolocker and How Can You Avoid it?

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It’s no secret that cyberattacks are at an all-time high and are becoming more and more personalized and far more ominous. Technology has altered the workplace environment and we are becoming a highly mobile workforce. This has caused the concept of a network perimeter to become blurred as more employees need remote access to servers.

Your business is constantly at risk of an online security breach which could have a serious impact on your bottom line. Make sure you aren’t in the firing line when cybercrime strikes.

Ransomware is currently the biggest cyber threat

Intel Security’s 2016 Threat Predictions report flagged ransomware as the biggest cyber security risk this year and according to BBC.com there are over 120 different families of ransomware making the rounds. If ransomware isn’t scary enough, cyber criminals are taking it one step further and are not only holding sensitive data hostage, they’re threatening to release it if their demands aren’t met. This is known as an extortion hack and yes, it’s as menacing as it sounds.

What is ZeptoLocker?

New computer viruses are being created each day and ZeptoLocker is the latest form of malware to have the networking world in a vice. ZeptoLocker is a ransomware Trojan which hijacks the documents on Microsoft Windows users’ computers and extorts money by asking for a ransom that must be paid within a set time limit.

How does it infiltrate your system?

Like most ransomware Trojans, ZeptoLocker tricks the user into running it using social techniques and once the user opens the file, the ZeptoLocker bug takes root in your computer system and encrypts files on your network using RSA public-key cryptography. These social techniques involve sending you an email with a password-protected ZIP file which contains the malicious .exe file.

Once ZeptoLocker has gained access to your operating system it saves itself to a folder in the user’s profile and adds a key to the registry to make sure it runs at every start up. The malware then displays a message which offers to decrypt the hijacked data for payment.

How to avoid ZeptoLocker and protect your system

Since this malware spreads via email, there are a few easy steps you can take to protect your operating system from infection:

  • Be careful when opening emails; be wary of emails from senders you don’t know, especially when there are files attached to it
  • In your Windows folder settings, disable hidden file extensions – this could help you recognise a malware attack.
  • Always back up your important documents; this will help mitigate the damage caused by a malware – or any virus – attack.
  • Install a good anti-virus software which scans your emails and your system for threats and includes a specialist Zeptolocker prevention kits.
  • Consider moving more data to cloud services offered by Google and others.

If you are concerned about the safety of your businesses IT systems please contact Portal for advice on securing your business. We offer a range of services to ensure you and your staff stay protected from malware such as Zeptolocker.

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