Coronavirus information

portal coronavirus information

Portal Coronavirus Update 14/05/2020

First and foremost Portal hope all our customers are safe and well as we approach week 8 of the lockdown.

During the last 8 weeks Portal continues to support our current clients with their IT Support, Web Design and Digital Marketing.

Additional to supporting our current clients Portal has also consulted with potential new clients that are wishing to turn this moment into a positive by improving their business with our support.

Portal has always put an emphasis on the people behind the businesses we work with and this moment the whole world is sharing only stands to remind us how important that is.

If you would like to improve your business today with our support then our team would love to hear from you –

Portal Technologies wants to take this moment to update all our clients and followers on how we are fighting COVID-19 and more importantly how we can help you face this unprecedented situation we are all facing right now.

As information on COVID-19 moves fast we have tried to act accordingly whilst following the guidelines provided by the Government and the NHS.

As a result our PT Team are now set up to work from home. Our operating hours will be as normal whilst our team continue to work hard to help our clients with their IT, Web and Digital needs.

We want you to know at this difficult time our business is here to support you.

Current Clients, who we provide IT support on a daily basis, have seen this support in the shape of helping them relocate their staff to work from their homes. Some even needing support sourcing laptops to help with the relocating staff.

Re-configuring sites for remote use is usually a service we provide at a cost but in these moments we understand the value this brings to our contracted clients and felt supporting them in this vital moment to keep their business operational was more important than money.

If your business needs support or advice with IT, Web or Digital marketing then please get in touch with our team today.

Lastly and most importantly please take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Cloud Migrations

Save your business money and maximise your productivity by migrating your business to the cloud with Microsoft Office 365.

Backup & Recovery

Our Endpoint Backup Solution allows your device to be restored from the cloud anywhere, leaving minimal disruption to your business.

Managed IT Support

Our remote help desk gives you and your staff unlimited access to our technicians for any IT issues you might have.

Cyber Security

Portal Technologies can provide you with the consultancy and technician time required to get you Cyber Essentials Certified.

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