Portal raise £1757 for the British Lung Foundation

charity hike

On 2nd August Portal took on Britain’s highest peak, Ben Nevis, to raise money for the British Lung Foundation. It was an early start for the team, leaving Dunblane at 6.00am and setting off at the foot of Ben Nevis at 8.30am. After a challenging start, we successfully made it to the top after 4 hours of climbing. Unfortunately in true Scottish manner the weather did not hold and we reached the top we were greeted with rain, snow and mist. This did not dampen our spirits – just speeded up lunch!

Portal are delighted to announce we raised a total of £ 1,757 for the British Lung Foundation. Technical Director, Craig Millar, who was part of the walk commented he was “pleased to be part of such a great experience” and is very proud of the team for undertaken the challenge”.

Portal are now looking for their next challenge and hope to be able to continue our support to the British Lung Foundation.

To see more pictures from the day please visit our Facebook page

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