Portal Technologies moves to Stirling

portal moves to stirling

Portal Technologies has some exciting news to share this morning…

We’ve moved!!

As the Scotland men’s national team went on to qualify for their first major tournament in 22 years on Thursday night our team at Portal packed up our office for our very own historic move. (Don’t worry staff got home in time to see THAT save from David Marshall)

Glenbervie Business Centre was our home for 5 years and whilst sad to move on the excitement is building as a new chapter in our story will be created in Stirling.

The move to Stirling allows our staff to better serve our clients as 3 million people live within an hours drive of the city.

The Portal Team has been getting familiar with our new work areas over the last few days just as new rules and regulations from the Scottish Government who announcement that Stirling would be entering Tier 4.

We would just like to make all our clients aware that Portal Technologies will be operating as normal with staff working from home where possible to offer the best support we offer for businesses across Scotland.

Cloud Migrations

Save your business money and maximise your productivity by migrating your business to the cloud with Microsoft Office 365.

Backup & Recovery

Our Endpoint Backup Solution allows your device to be restored from the cloud anywhere, leaving minimal disruption to your business.

Managed IT Support

Our remote help desk gives you and your staff unlimited access to our technicians for any IT issues you might have.

Cyber Security

Portal Technologies can provide you with the consultancy and technician time required to get you Cyber Essentials Certified.

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